Flinders University
Over more than 20 years, Gerry’s research has focused on marginalisation as experienced by young people in Australia and other countries – at school, with their peers, and in the community. He’s particularly interested in amplifying their voices through his research, and drawing on their lived experience to describe both the impact of marginalisation on their life chances, and their proactive efforts to protect their families and themselves from the effects of marginalisation.
Gerry’s research does not offer ‘easy fixes’ to problems of marginalisation, which often demand solutions that focus on societal structures rather than remedial interventions. The purpose of his research is to focus the attention of advocates, policymakers and practitioners in health and education on what young people themselves see as the challenges in their lives, and supports that can help them overcome these challenges.
Gerry has been at Flinders University since 2012. Prior to that, he worked at the University of NSW, UNICEF and the University of Cambridge. He has been a chief investigator on over AU$5m worth of research funding, and is author of 40 journal articles. He has a PhD from the University of NSW.
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